CAUT is a graffiti writer from Brisbane. He has been painting and putting in work for over 20 years. He is a member of TKP crew & his style is super clean and fresh! recently he grabbed our attention with his A - Z project which we had to ask about when we caught up with him for a quick chat and to ask for his favourite five flicks.
1. What got you into graffiti?
I got into graffiti from seeing school mates doing tags on desks , chairs and walls in chalk and niko pen.then seeing a hype mag at school prity much started the fire.....
2. How would you describe your style?
my style is hand me down new York/Sydney style that KINK REK schooled me on wen I met him around 98/99,ive learnt a lot from him and still ask him for help now nearly 20 yrs later....
3. Do you have a good chase story?
Not much of a chase cause I got pinched but was probably my last one...we went for panel mish around 3am and about 10-15min in and finishing up 2 d2d JJ yells that grassy's were comin through the gate. We hit the legs and ran whole length of the isle then as I was running back to the hole I heard someone yell oi! on other side of fence so I looked up and the grassy pepper sprayed me.
I dropped to the ground then the 2 fat grassy's chasing me jumped all over me. Back to station got bail then went to catch train back to my car, hop on and see grassy's takin photos of the train I was on n realise it was our panels so I started bangin on the window n giving the scums the finger (never did get flicks though)....
4. Can you tell us about your A-Z project you have taken on and what made you want to do something like this?
The a-z project was inspired by AMUSE doin one, so I asked if he cared if I done something similar but different.just getting other ppl to send me caut outlines then i paint it.its been a mad challenge,had afew dipouts at walls but it has kept me keen.mainly boredom made me want to do the projects(thanks everyone who sent me outlines),..
5. What motivates you to keep painting?
dont need much motivation its just something I COMMENT is the only real answer to questions.
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