Howie is a graffiti writer from Melbourne. An active member of NWO & 53G crews he paints simple but funky pieces that have been adapted to the situation...painting fast. We caught up to find out a bit more about him and asked for his favourite five flicks.
1. What got you into graffiti?
Moving to Melbourne at the age of 12 I couldn't help but notice all the graffiti on the train lines, I was really drawn to this coming from a small town that had no graff. a few years later I was introduced to the game by my mate Catfood and started painting with some local guys. CANDY took me for my first panel at Belgrave backjump when we were 15.
2. How would you describe your style?
My style is simple, fast and changing a lot of the time. I get really bored if I do the same outline too much so I will try to change things up every now and then.
3. Do you have a good chase story?
Yeah in 2015 I was painting Rome metro. We decided to go for the new model that was untouched but parked next to the security's building. we painted for about 7-8 minutes with no problem until the flash fired for flicks, all of a sudden two security come from around the train running really hard at us so we ran as fast as possible but deeper into the yard,
I tripped on the track and ate shit so hard but there was no time to stop so I got back up and kept running then a security car came from around the corner right up behind us, two of us jumped a massive fence but it was so high we had to climb down the other side of it with the security trying to hit our fingers with the baton from the inside. Unfortunately one of the guys didn't make it to the fence and kept running to the hangar and hid. They found him about 20 minutes later with guns drawn on him, slapped him around a little bit and smashed his camera and told him to fuck off back to Milan. We all met back at the hotel about an hour later, smoked some hash and had a good laugh about it. I'm pretty sure the panels are still in traffic today.
4. Looks like you have done a lot of travelling, what are your favourite places and why?
Paris for its system and models.
Berlin for kebab and big partys
The Netherlands for the good people and best times. Yo DEFS!
5. What motivates you to keep painting?
Travelling to new places, clean surfaces, my boys 53G NWO and all the good moments and strange situations you often find yourself in.
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