WOTIFS is a graffiti writer from Canberra. He first discovered graffiti at a young age in grade 6 and has done his fair share of travelling and painting since then. His style is fresh and always with great colour schemes. We caught up to find out a bit more about him and asked for his favourite five flicks.
1. What got u into graffiti?
I got into graffiti in 1996, I was in grade 6 and my older brother and his friends were skating, bombing, smoking weed and racking a lot. So I decided to follow the leader and started. My first piece I did said NME and was all Solarsrtream's I'd inched from Woolworths. It wasn't too bad, really (haha). I embarrassed my brother rapidly, by chucking him and his friends up when I did tags, and other toy shit, haha!! I remember one bad move that stitched him up was when I found some bags of Tana that belonged to my brothers friend - Takle ASN. He had stashed them in bushes near our house.
I figured finders keepers, and didn't know they were his when I picked them up, but he thought different. My brother said I had to give them back and I remember saying something like "fuck him, he's a dumb cunt for not stashing them at his house like a normal person" (haha). My brother wanted to work me. He took the tins off me and gave them back to him. Every time I saw Takle from then on he would give me the evil eye, and he nearly ashed me at Spot X one afternoon in 1997 (hahaha if you're from Canberra, you'll know Spot X). I loved that guys graf though, I wished I had styles like him. But really, in Canberra there was just so much good gaffiti everywhere. Seth, Tron, Ayre, Dins, Deft, Rvets, Bose, Rkoe, Prowla, Faroe, Sinch, Smart, Fluke and so many more dudes had crazy style and always blew my mind (the Tron on Hindmarsh Drive was so fresh - and the Airetight at Kambah High School!!).
Bombers would always thrash my primary school (and High School too), it was on the tables and in the study books in my high school, I even remember being about 13 and borrowing Don't Be A Menace To South Central on VHS from the local Video 2000, and the reverse side of the cover was bombed hard by Sorte, so I had a crack at it too! It was in my face no matter where I went. In grade 9 a new kid came to the High School from Melbourne - he wrote Braze, Prek, Der, Piker and a bunch of other names, he was in FMC and he taught me so much about graf, mainly tags and throw ups. Connecting letters and going little to big with your handstyles, he drew me an alphabet, that kind of dedicated teaching. We are still good friends today too. Seppy aka Kruse / Drucks influenced me the most - RIP BRO.
Floer always had mad handstyles too, if you were around 2902 back then, you'd know Floer had mad skill with the marker. Toro also did some cool throw ups. It was a great moment in time in the 90's!
2. How would you describe your style?
4. Looks like you've done a lot of travelling, what's your favourite city to visit and paint, and why?
5. What motivates you to keep painting?
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