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  • Five For Five - SKARY

    Five For Five - SKARY

    Five questions for five flicks 

    Featured artist - SKARY

    Skary is a graffiti writer from Brisbane. He started writing back in the late 90's but painted his first real piece in 2000. His style is public and super fresh often adding Disney or Simpsons characters into the mix. If you're familiar with the route 666 videos you already know this guy kills it. We caught up to find out a bit more about him and check some dope flicks.

    How and where did you get into graffiti?

     As a kid in primary school growing up on the Southside of Brisbane, classic dumbass posca pen highjinks.

    Sydney Graffiti interview Scary

    How would you describe your style & who were your influences?

    Despite the fact I grew up in Brisbane, I moved around quite a bit when I was younger. So I had influences from all over. Early on, probably Jepsy in Europe... Seen in the US and Snarl here at home. 
    If I had to describe my style I guess I would say ‘cartoony’.

    Sydney Graffiti interview Scary

    3. Could you tell us about a memorable mission good or bad while out painting?

    Interrail with Nok in the ‘glory days’. Nothing specific just a lot of riding dirty and pulling off shit I can’t even fathom now. 

    Sydney Graffiti interview Scary

    4. You're also a very talented tattoo artist, How long have you been tattooing & what pushed you to get into it? 

    Been tattooing full time for over 5 years. I’ve always loved tattooing and been getting tattooed and doing them on myself since a real young age. It’s something I was just drawn to, and challenges the hell out of me daily. 

    BSP Clothing brisbane graffiti  interview

    5. Do you have a good chase story?

    rock fights with guards, being chased through tunnels by dogs, hiding in dumpsters and pretending to be gay lovers to avoid being made by security are some memories that stick out. 

    Sydney Graffiti interview Scary

    6. What motivates you to keep painting?

    nothing really, I’m washed hahaha...
    I love catching up with old mates and painting, hopefully I will remain to do that for a long while yet. So I guess my motivation is social. 

    BSP Sydney Graffiti interview Scary

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