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Five For Five - SOOK

Five For Five - SOOK

Five questions for five flicks 

Featured artist - SOOK

SOOK is a graffiti writer from Adelaide. He is a member of TTK CREW, After getting into graffiti at a young age he started taking it seriously again in 2008. He is an all round writer who has been very active painting panels, tracksides, legals and anything paint will stick to.  We caught up to find out a bit more about him and asked for his favourite five flicks.


1. What got you into graffiti? 

I would answer the question in the typical fashion of my older brother and his mates in the 90's bla bla bla but I believe a much more important question is what makes me stay? There is no doubt that graffiti has ruined large parts of mine and my crews lives especially over then last few years. I've had more police attention, hate, love, fights, stress and heart ache than you can mark up with and I still keep at it daily.

Whether I'm sketching, doing commission work, chilling on a wall with mates or running shit with the crew, I'm always active and I can only put it down to the simple fact that graffiti is my life. It's worth all the drama, the tears, the bruises, the jail, its what I live for and I'm not about to stop.




2. How would you describe your style?

I think my style is rather public with a lot of organic influence. I'm always thinking up new ideas for letter fonts, I'll go out with a line up in mind but all the fill effects and colours are 90% freestyle which I respect in other writers. I think graffiti is a lot about how you feel as much as how u draw. As a kid I didn't come from money so i learnt to mix tins, I'm often mixing up a lot of my own colours making new shades and all types of funky fills, i would say i have rather good can control.

Being predominantly a panel writer and from Adelaide there isn't much options for time so ghost caps are a must on everything, I have adapted that in my street game too, ghost caps all the way! You will notice a lot of flares on the top of my work, on key lines, background etc. which I like to claim is a bit of artistic flavour however the truth is it's often due to me being a short arse and not being able to reach haha.




3. Adelaide is known for being one of the toughest cities in Australia to paint steel. How is life living and painting there?

As touched on a bit previously Adelaide is very limited for time and spots, its a small system and near impossible to not be spotted so it all comes down to your speed and your game and my crew have defs put in alot of work over the last few years learning what we can to get as much time as we can and have achieved some big things for this city. Adelaide is just a place where u can't really tell what your gonna get, you just gotta go with it and if its meant to be it will, if it aint then ya in a cell. 




4. Do you have a good chase story?

Ha well kinda...obviously there is many chase stories (a few to many for my liking) but as for a good one I'll hit ya with this.
 A few years back me and Nos where in town trying to bash some fools for the right to use the letters TTK one of these guys had dissed me pretty publicly and personally on a legal wall a few years prior so I was out for blood we somehow fluked it and ended up right out the front of this blokes apartment and he was on the balcony smoking. Anyone that knows us knows we don't take much to get worked up so before long cars are getting jumped on, words are being yelled, doors are getting kicked (a pretty standard week night for most of you all I'm sure) anyways i'm not gonna say it was this guy cause i have seen him show form and catch up with me for a scrap shortly after this ordeal but the cops roll up...

We hit the harry holt, we make it through a few back streets when Nossie has this brilliant idea to pretend we are working out. So he starts stretching and I start doing push ups, just in the middle of the road. The cops pull down the street hit us with the lights and I shit you not get over the loud speaker and start personal training me telling me i'm a pussy for only doing 15 and shit. After their 2 on 2 training session they get out the car and the chase is on again.

We jump a few fences and hide inside a bin as they walk only meters away at this point we looked at each other and whispered "look at us full grown men with kids hiding in a bin from cops on a school night over graffiti bullshit"... haha we got away with that one but it just goes to show how lost from reality graffiti can get you at times.




5. What keeps you painting?

Although I gave the answer to this in the first question I'll add that having a great crew that is solid, new, small and exclusive helps me keep going. We all have our own strengths, we work great as a team and have made pretty big waves in a short time, I wouldn't be the writer I am today with out them so I give a shout out to Nos and Tive for helping me find my place in all of this. Thinking of what we have achieved in a small amount of time, the respect and the props we get from other writers. I mean a few years ago cunts was sending me death threats now the same cunts are buying canvas' off me. I feel I owe it to myself, the crew, our supporters and our haters to keep going and i know the other boys feel exactly the same, all good things must end but not today.




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