TESK is a graffiti writer from Sydney. He's from Green Line in the South West which has produced many dope crews & writers. Tesk has been consistent painting the lines and trains with a nice style that he has developed over the years. We caught up to find out a bit more about him and asked for his favourite five flicks.
1. What got you into graffiti?
I got into graffiti when I first started high school way back when. A few older guys I knew were into it so I thought I'd give it a go, shortly after I come across some guys painting in the local drains and growing up on green line I was forever looking out the train windows and seeing the line plastered with tags and pieces. I then thought to myself 'that's what I want to do!' After going through a few words I landed on tesk and it has stuck with me ever since.
2. How would you describe your style?
I have tried many different styles over the years but I hav always lent towards the simple lettering and concentrated on the neatness. I have progressed with certain connections and things over the years, so I guess you could call it tech/public.
3. Do you have a good chase story?
I have been quite lucky over the 17 years I have been doing this especially with train writing aside from being yelled off nothing much really. However I remember when I was real young I was doing a trackside with a few mates and my brother at St Peters, some local kids were lighting fires in the area and cops were on the prowl for them stumbling across us instead so needless to say as soon as we saw the high beams across the tracks from us we were out of there!
We ended up hiding in a front yard for 4 hours with several cop cars and dog squad surrounding us, close enough we could hear their radios.. all we could do was be as quiet as we could and even sneak a sleep in.. we got away all good.
4. Which do you prefer, the rush of a panel or a chill wall with mates?
This is a tricky question because it is always a great day jamming out a wall with a bunch of good mates pumping some beats, smoking some good green and even a few snags on a hot plate.. however I don't think you can beat the rush you get as you approach a train knowing what your about to do to it, and the satisfaction you have once you see the finished product rolling out! Good times!!
5. What motivates you to keep painting?
There are several things that keep me motivated to paint. The people I have met over the many years is definitely a good reason to keep painting as they have become good mates and the more you know the more you paint I recon. The thought of getting up for my crews is a massive push for me to never want to stop. And most importantly my younger brother is a massive inspiration to me and being able to paint with a sibling is the best feeling! Whenever I paint next to him he really bring out the best in me and pushes me to be better and do better things.
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